Saturday, September 22, 2012

intermitent fasting day 8-9 + insanity

i knocked out cardio power on wednesday and due to a conflict in my schedule i was not able to hit pure cardio on thursday ....yesterday i fucked up and woke up too late to do the entire workout. i was only able to hit the warm up and the im doing pure cardio again this morning fasts are going still able to hit 24 hours every day even after my workouts and my energy is still the last two days im pretty sure that iv gotten more than 1300 cals when i break my fast.atleast 1600.i over ate until i was so still at a caloric deficit because my bmr is 2200 but i need to practice portion control tonight.for instance, i ate at around 10pm and i just woke up at 5.20am and im still pretty still getting lean though i can tell the difference every day.....the major side effect of (IF) is that you dont sleep as many hours as you are accustomed to....i rarely get in 6 good hours...but im not at all sleepy or tired.Your body just needs less sleep if youre IF'ing it.......

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